Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Looks Like The Veto Usage Streak Is Coming To An End

“Big Brother 26″ this week is just a big case of déjà vu. For the second week in a row, Makensy has won both HOH and the Veto.

She crushed BB Comics on Saturday while the rest of the house wasn’t even close. Cam needed more than 30 minutes. Makensy is, uh, far from the best strategically, but she really could just comp her way to the end with everyone else incapable of winning any. Cam’s poor performance set off a rant sessions by Chelsie and Makensy. The former feels as though she’s been carrying him all season and the latter is convinced he threw it and tossed out the idea of putting him up as the replacement nominee.

After she calmed down (and had a chat with the goldfish), Chelsie gave Cam a heads-up that Makensy is not pleased with him and might renom him because she thinks he’s throwing comps. Cam swears he’s not, but Chelsie noted that it’s not a good look when even Kimo beat him. Where is the lie? Cam doesn’t believe that Makensy would put him up, but now he knows he must do damage control, which he did on Sunday.

He told her he hasn’t been throwing comps and believes he flops at individually timed comps because he can’t see his competition. Makensy accepted the explanation, mostly because she wants rock with Chelsie and Cam more than Kimo and Rubina. She said she’s thought about replacing Rubina with Chelsie to build trust with Rubina, but that’s unlikely to happen. When Chelsie joined the convo, they settled on evicting Kimo again.

Unless something drastic happens, like Kimo and Rubina getting in Makensy ear that she should backdoor Chelsie, this will be the first week in which the Veto is not used this season. It’s been a good run.
